News and Updates
A tale of tails
With our latest preprint [arXiv:2412.06887] (led by Marina De Amicis), SXS simulations have for the first time resolved fully nonlinear “tails” from merging black holes. What’s this all about?
Mark Scheel elected to Fellow of the American Physical Society
We’re so happy that Mark Scheel, one of the senior members of the SXS collaboration, has been elected a 2024 Fellow of the American Physical Society!
First binary black hole inspiral, merger, ringdown with SpECTRE
We now have the first complete binary black hole inspiral, merger, & ringdown using our next-generation code SpECTRE! Our preprint [arXiv:2410.00265] presenting this first complete BBH simulation was led by Kyle Nelli (grad student at Caltech) and Geoffrey Lovelace (professor at CSU Fullerton).
Optimizing PN parameters and fixing the BMS frame for NR waveform hybridizations
What are hybrid gravitational waveforms? In meme form:
Nonlinearities in black hole ringdowns
With our latest preprint [arXiv:2208.07380] (led by Caltech grad student Keefe Mitman), SXS simulations have conclusively shown the presence of nonlinearities in black hole ringdowns. What does it all mean?