The Science
The Disputed Center of the Universe
An ancient struggle to exalt the earth
Einstein's Point of View
The struggle lost, Einstein pushes further
The Moving Point of View
Where "now" depends on how fast you're moving
Curving Space and Time
Warping slices of reality
The straightest lines in curved space
The Warped Point of View
Where "now" depends on how heavy you are
Compact objects
White Dwarfs
The Oldest and Coldest of Stars
Neutron Stars and Pulsars
The Beacons of the Universe
Black Holes
The Very End of Space and Time
Gravitational-wave astronomy
Gravitational Waves
Ripples in the fabric of spacetime
Sources of Gravitational Waves
Stirring up the ripples
Compact Binaries
Pairs of dead stars locked in a mad, whirling dance
Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals
An Elegant Pas de Deux
Collapsing Stars and Supernovae
The Death Throes of Stars
Black Holes and Neutron Stars
Matter meets vacuum in a most dramatic fashion
The First Moments
The birth of the universe: the most violent explosion ever
Exotic Possibilities
Objects that physicists are just beginning to imagine
The Unknown
Unimagined marvels await
A Totally New Kind of Astronomy
A different perspective on the universe
A Totally New Kind of Observatory
Measuring the tiniest of fluctuations in spacetime
Needles in the Haystack
Hearing the cosmic symphony
Numerical relativity
Einstein's Equations
Describing How Mass Warps Spacetime
Why Numerical Relativity?
Calculating Physics
Computer Simulations
Giving the Problem to a Computer
Gravitational Lensing
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Explorations
About SXS
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Members of the SXS collaboration
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For Researchers
Waveform Catalog
Surrogate Waveforms
SXS Papers
SpEC: Spectral Einstein Code
Contact us
The science
Compact objects
Compact objects
White Dwarfs
Neutron Stars and Pulsars
Black Holes
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