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Head on Collision of Black Holes with Transvere Spins
The spins of the black holes are transverse to the infall direction, anti-aligned and of magnitude 0.5. This simulation is described in a publication Phys. Rev. D, also available at [arXiv:gr-qc/0907.0869].
“Extreme-Kick” Merger: Inspiral of Equal-Mass Black Holes with Spins Anti-parallel and Oriented in the Orbital Plane
The spins of the black holes are anti-parallel, oriented in the orbital plane, and are of magnitude 0.5. In this configuration, the kick of the final black hole has been observed in simulations by Campanelli et al. to depend on the phase of the binary at the time of merger; more specifically, they found that the kick depended sinusoidally upon the angle between the initial momenta of the BHs and the spins. This simulation will be detailed in a future publication in progress; it is discussed in a paper submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., available at [arXiv:1012.4869].
Inspiral of Equal-Mass Black Holes with Spin Anti-Aligned to the Orbital Angular Momentum and of Magnitude 0.95
The spins have magnitude 0.95, are parallel to each other, but are anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum. This simulation is described in a publication in Phys. Rev. D., in press. The paper can also be accessed at [arXiv:1010.2777].