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SXS studies binary neutron star binary mergers
The inspiral and merger of binaries composed of two neutron stars are excellent gravitational wave sources and strong candidate explanations for short duration gamma ray bursts. In a series of recent papers, SXS researchers have joined the effort to model these violent events. Nick Tacik and collaborators have been studying the usually-overlooked effect of the spins of the two neutron stars on their final orbits of inspiral. Read the paper here: [arXiv:1508.06986]. Roland Haas, working with many on the SXS team, has carried our first binary neutron star simulation all the way through the collision of the two stars and the collapse of the giant merged neutron star into a black hole. A paper on this simulation is still in the works, but it’s already been used to test a recipe for generating binary neutron star waveforms without full numerical simulations of these events. The paper, by Barkett et al., is available at [arXiv:1509.05782]. The idea is that binary black hole simulations are cheaper than binary neutron star simulations, and one can roughly convert the former into the latter by adding an analytic approximation of the neutron star tidal effects. Lastly, SXS researcher Francois Foucart has carried out merger simulations that study in detail what happens right after two neutron stars merge into a single more-massive neutron star. These post-merger neutron stars ring and give off possibly-detectable gravitational waves. Studying the post-merger mess required us to incorporate realistic nuclear physics and neutrino emission effects into simulations. Read the paper at [arXiv:1510.06398].
175 orbits!!
The SXS collaboration has produced the first computation of black hole binary coalescence that is capable of following the black holes for over 175 orbits until they collide. Previous computations were limited to only a few dozen orbits. The ability to track many orbits is important for testing the post-Newtonian approximation and for producing waveforms that cover the entire range of frequencies that will be seen by LIGO. See the preprint at [arXiv:1502.04953].
More quickly rotating black holes
The SXS collaboration can now simulate binaries containing black holes that spin at a rate of 99.4% of their maximum theoretical value, the fastest spins ever simulated. The technical improvements allowing such large spins are reported at [arXiv:1412.1803] and an investigation of the maximum spin during binary coalescence can be found at [arXiv:1411.7297].
New Movies
Members of the SXS collaboration are pleased to announce new movies [1] and [2] that show how the night sky would look in the presence of a binary black hole merger.
Densest neutron-star initial data
Kate Henriksson and some of her fellow members of the SXS collaboration produced newer and better data for simulations of neutron stars colliding with black holes. Using advanced numerical techniques, the neutron stars they’ve constructed are the densest ever created, which will lead to some of the most extreme simulations in the world. Check out the preprint at [arXiv:1409.7159].